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Showing posts from August, 2022

Week 1B: Social Media Use Today

     There are many different social media outlets that are utilized for different purposes to ultimately reach a goal. The basic idea associated with social media deals with the idea that a website or application is used to allow users to participate in sharing content in order to network. Social media has the ability to develop various primary concept such as making the purpose posting photos or posting thoughts/feelings. An important aspect of social media is the ability to have open communication resources allowing for comments and reactions to one another post. Personally, I believe that are many pros and cons that are associated with social media and it is hard to determine whether it is truly a negative component  of society or if it can ultimately beneficial to society. I think that social media is defined by its users and the way that the users utilize the many different apps.       Social media has the ability to gain a negative reputati...

Week 1A: My Blog Theme

The unique ability to create a blog allows for creativity to shine in the brightest light. in creating my blog I wanted to find something that not only caught my eye but others as well while simultaneously keep things sweet and simple. After trying a couple of different options, I decided to keep a basic theme focused on solid colors that complimented one another. I found that while using blogger, there was quite a bit of room to allow me to make changes and customize my blog in the manner that best fit me including tools such as changing the background whether it be to a picture, color backdrop, or even an offered template of my picking. Blogger also allowed to make decisions such as my font, color of font, and size of font. All of these aspects are important in determining how the blog will best attract the readers attention.  As I initially began browsing through my options for a theme, I automatically went to customize. I searched through the many background options that were o...