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Week 4A: Defining Target Markets

 Subway v. Hungry Bear Deli


Subway has been a popular sandwich chain for as long as I can remember. I was actually as major consumer of the sandwiches growing up and enjoyed eating their food frequently. Subway has major marketing attempts such as using commercials and ads in order to promote their company. Recently, subway has also reached out to professional athletes as a source of promotion in order to amplify their business. For awhile, Subway went through a spell in which their food was questioned and determined as low quality compared to other sandwich shops in the food industry. They have made efforts to revamp their brand and bring a new message to the foods that they are serving. 

    Visiting the Subway website immediately brings a breath of fresh air if you are a previous consumer of theirs. There are promotions that stroll across the screen as soon as you get to the site in attempts to get the consumer engaged in what they are offering. I think that this tactic is smart because as a consumer I am always intrigued if there is a deal or some sort of offering. The subway website is well organized and offers links to the menu, different subway locations, rewards and deals, gift cards, and catering. With all of these avenues subway brings in a ton of business and have found their way out of the deep hole that they fell into awhile ago. I think that subways company created a minimal design that got their point across. They used a white background with black and pops of their trademark colors, yellow and green. With this design, it is clear to see all of the information and it is not cluttered. This theme is followed throughout the website as you enter different links as well. 

Hungry Bear Deli

    Hungry Bear Deli is a local sandwich shop located in Vista, California that does not use as many promotional efforts and is not nationwide such as subway. A lot of the business that Hungry Bear Deli receives may come from word of mouth or from local businesses promoting them. I think that this could be difficult for them to gain a major following being that they are only in one location and not many people will hear about them outside of family or friends. I believe that having a small business as such places a greater emphasis on customer service and likableness because you want your customers to remember you fro how welcoming and kind you were as well as the taste of your food. I have a actually been a consumer of Hungry Bear Deli's food a do enjoy what they have to offer although I believe that they would recieve more business if they were located in a different more relevant and visible spot. 

    Hungry Bear Deli uses green and red as their primary colors. When you initially visit the website, you are invited to their new feature of online ordering. I feel like that this was a great expansion for them due to the fact that during our current times many people are in a rush and are looking for this feature to be present for restaurants as sometimes e look over the ones that do not offer this. Their website also offers a brief slide show of the sandwiches that they offer, hoping to entice people to want to try them. You can immediately click on the sandwich to see the menu. Hungry Bear offers consumer links to see the menu, online ordering, catering, about them, contact information, joining the team, press, and becoming a vip. I think that as a small business they do a great job of promoting themselves within the community and put in a an effort to obtain long lasting customers. Although they are not nearly as large of a chain as subway, they are thriving in their area and making the best of their business. 

Bottom Line 

    Subway and Hungry Bear Deli have many similarities and share the same goal of having a successful sandwich company. I believe that Subway is naturally the top runner between the two due to the fact that they are a nationally recognized company that you see on almost every corner. They have promotional benefits that Hungry Bear Deli may not have and recognizable for the people that they have sponsored. I believe that Hungry Bear Deli beast subway in the aspect of customer service and long lasting consumers as they have the ability to hand pick who works in their shop and can put in the extra effort for this. Subway being such a large chain, has more difficulty in their selection of their employees because it is so difficult to oversee that many restaurants. I think that both restaurants have a well developed website that targets sandwich lovers all around. They present clean designs that are not too overwhelming and are inviting to customers to view and place an order. Overall, I feel that although they have different consumers and ways of marketing, they are both successful in their own aspects. 


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