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Week 2A: Communication Between Consumer and Business


Consumer v. Business 

    There are many brands that are popular amongst consumer whether they are for the good or the bad. The ability to test out certain products that are beneficial to ourselves is the main purpose regarding the interaction between consumers and businesses. Most businesses, if not all, give consumers the opportunity to evaluate their products and write a review in regards to the positive and negative factors that are involved with the product. Often times the businesses offer the ability to rate their businesses on a one to five level star with one being the least pleased and five stars being highly pleased. In many cases, consumers will rely on this form of a review because of the quick and easy while still giving businesses some sort of feedback. 

    A popular company that I chose to research was Nike. Almost everywhere you look you will see a nike swoosh somewhere in the room whether it would be on a shoes, t-shirt, shorts, sweats, headbands, socks, etc. With Nike being such a major brand with a wide variety of consumers that come from all different walks of life, they have the ability to get feedback on a broader spectrum. With a company this large it can be difficult to reach many of the reviews, yet they ultimately all play a part in the larger rating of the overall company. In the ratings that I viewed for nike specifically, I found that there were often mixed reviews as some people would say things such as being satisfied with the service or that they appreciate the quality. On the contrary, some consumers believe that the company has a slow turn around in delivery or that the product was not what they were expecting. Ultimately it is the duty of a businesses to weigh out the detrimental factors and the smaller ones that can be disregarded. This is what makes the game between consumers and businesses difficult. 

    Although companies have been gathering feedback on their products for many years, it has increasingly become easier for the businesses to gain this feedback. Initially consumers would enter a store to but something and possibly be asked to fill out a paper in which they could leave a review and though this is still relevant at some businesses today, it is not the primary source of feedback. Many businesses are using technology as a source by either sending emails, text messages, ads, etc. There are also receipts that will ask you to leave a review. Businesses are ultimately able to gain knowledge of their products at a faster rate and ensure that the appropriate changes could be made to please the future consumers. 

    As a consumer, I am not really one to leave a review on many businesses websites. Although I am often pleased and or displeased with an item that I have received, I either don't remember to go back and review or I don't have enough interest in doing so. Personally , I have to admit, I am the type of person that will leave a negative review instead of a positive due the fact that I want the businesses to enhance their products and make the appropriate changes that will best suit the majority. My goal going forward is to try to be more involved in leaving reviews and especially rewarding the businesses when I feel that they have provided a well developed product. 


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