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Week 3A: Aesthetics, Design, and Branding

Aesthetics, Design, and Branding 

San Diego’s Craig List

A website should be enticing to its visitor upon immediate arrival. The first impression is a very significant feeling that could either make or break you. For a business, this first impression could leave some interested or uninterested in the products being sold. When visiting San Diego’s Craigslist website, I immediately found the website to be dull and unwelcoming. The website seemed to lack design factors such as colors, photos, a variety of fonts, and other appealing features. The website presents itself as almost overwhelming due to the fact that the first thing you see is a long  list of categories. The lack of design from Craig’s list could be the least of their worries due to the fact that they are not necessarily branding anything of their own rather they are a platform for other people to brand themselves and sell their own property thus making it not a priority to necessarily advertise themself. 

Atari Best Electronics

A website's initial page should be the least overwhelming. A visitor wants to feel as if they can easily obtain the information they need through a well organized and developed website. The Best Electronics Website immediately brings upon an overwhelming feeling when i open the link. My brain scattered and I had no idea where to even start. Most people do not want to read a ton when looking for pieces of information on the internet as it is typically the easy way out for most people. This site is completely congested and presented itself as book before a website. Although the website utilized different font sizes, it was difficult to stay on track as to where I was reading. The same words were bolded and colored multiple times and their were a ton of outside links that the website would take me too. This website ultimately needs to develop a more impactful theme develop a system of organization in which people will be able to understand and obtain i formation in a timely manner. 

Head Hunter Hairstyling

When developing a brand for yourself and making it visible to the consumer, it is sometimes important to understand that less can be more. It is not always in the best interest of the business owner to provide every piece of information up front and try to over inform the consumer. I also believe that there should be a relative relationship to the amount of pictures vs. text that is presented on a page. I feel like the Head Hunter Hairstyling website did a good job with utilizing both photos and text in order to present their brand to consumers. The layout of the page is spacious and organized. They used a solid color theme that was interesting yet not overwhelming to the rest of the page. The links were easily excessive and navigation through the website led me to find the information that I was looking for in a timely manner. 


When shopping for vehicles, many people already have no idea what they are even looking for in terms of the details. They might know the basics such as whether they want a truck or a car, blue or black, 4 seats or 6 seats, etc. The missing information needs to be easily filled in for them in order for the consumer to feel comfortable in purchasing something from your brand. Toyota makes use of this important idea by easily producing the information in an organized form. I was able to easily find a vehicle that I found would best suit me and gather the information needed in order to make a honorable decision. I was also able to view photos of the vehicle so that I was aware of what I was going to be purchasing. Toyota also offers a feature in which it will easily step by step allow you to build your perfect toyota by changing factors such as the power chain, color, seat and floor accessories, etc. As a consumer we love our freedom of choice and that is exactly what is presented here. 

I am a major supporter of the internet and businesses using it to promote themselves and sake their products. As a consumer I enjoy seeing the easy going websites that are organized and present information with easy access. After viewing multiple websites today in which many were overwhelming, connected, disorganized, and bland, I began to appreciate many of the sites that I visited in the past that were the opposite. I learned that a little can go a long way and in fact is in most case scenarios more beneficial. I learned how using photos in the appropriate spots can allow the visitor to take a break from information and entice their brains with what they were soon to obtain if they chose to buy something. Overall, I believe that design is a major component of branding and if the consumer is not engaged in what you are presenting then it will be difficult to have a prospering business. 


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