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Week 3B: Developing a Brand

My Brand Development

My plan is to work on developing a women’s sportswear line as my personal brand. Fashion has always been a passion of mine since I was little alongside playing sports. Growing up as the only girl with two brothers and my dad, I found happiness in the middle of being a girly girl and a tom-boy. I learned most of my fashion from my dad as we would always go shopping and try to put together outfits based on how we were feeling that day. One of my favorite parts about going shopping with my dad was that we would place a limit on how much we could spend to create an outfit that day. I enjoyed the challenge of needing to find something that looked good together but was within the budget. Ever since we made this a habit, I am always looking to shop on a bargain and reminding myself that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to find something you love. This is ultimately what my brand represents; be comfortable with your comfort. There is no need to try to put yourself in an uncomfortable situation just to keep up with what the next person has. With my brand, consumers are able to find comfortable and affordable clothing that best suits their needs. 

In creating this brand I hope to have me and my dad as the face of the brand because I feel like it will be true to home and in its raw form this way. I think that I would want the logo to have a little girl and a dad to represent where the brand derived from. My clothing brand is going to be based around athletics so I believe that it would be cool to have that represented in my logo as well. I am personally very big on natural  tones with a pop of color to make something important stand out. I think that I would want my logo to be black and white and then have a pop of color on a clothing item that I would want to stand out. I think that using this as my strategy will successfully allow me to convey the fashion to my consumers. I have always used black and white as a back bone in fashion as you can almost always find something to go with it. 

Versatility is a component that I want to exaggerate within my business. I feel that a lot of times there are clothing items that are made within the athletic category for men that a woman may like yet it is unavailable in a womens cut. Men and women should be able to obtain the same clothing items and embrace the same comforts. The main focus of my business would be to create comfort for shapes, sizes, genders, etc in order for everyone to feel that they have the ability to choose their preferred look with no limitations. My hope for the brand is to have sports wear for each sport that will make them stand out from the next person. Personally, I always wear a pop of bright color whether it be in my shoes or a hand bag or any other accessory. My favorite addition of color while playing sports is definitely my shoes because they give me the ability to step outside of my uniform and show a piece of myself. 

I think that my brand will be recognizable by all and differentiate from the others in a way of design and branding. I want my brand to stand out from others immediately and the way of doing so is developing a solid logo and emblem that is on each piece of clothing. My plan in doing so is to make sure I create a logo that captures the consumers attention while also making a name for myself. I think that using a dad and daughter duo will touch a lot of consumers as well making them feel connected to the brand. 

My ultimate goal in developing my old brand would be to generate a positive identity. I want to ensure that I promote my business on all aspects and try to reach any and every consumer that would be interested. I want to ensure that I develop an attractive color palette and sturdy products. It is also important in order to gain trust from the consumer and to keep the customers around so that they can return for further business. I would definitely pay attention to the customers feedback in order to adapt and change to their needs so that I am creating the best possible products.


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