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Week 5B: Learning about Facebook Data Collecting

 Facebook Tools:

    Facebook offers many tools in which users have the ability to identify there progress and interactions with the community. Many of these features offer insight as to just how much interest they are getting so that business owners are aware if their promotion tactics are beneficial. Maintaining  a proper appearance and likeness on social media can be crucial to ones business success and vital to determining which they of consumers they will encounter. 
    An important that is used by face book includes "post reach" in which this allows for the business owners are able to get their post to different audiences within their feed. Many times it is difficult to promote your page unless you ask someone to give you a shout out so being able to utilize post reach will allow your post to reach a consumer through their every day scroll on their feed. It is important to make your post engaging because I myself, will often click by these quickly if they do not grab my attention. Post engagement is also important because this allows you to determine how engaged the consumers are. Some may simply like a post while others will go as far as commenting or sharing the post with others. This tool allows you to see if have any consumers that are truly invested in your business and target them. 
    Facebook insights are beneficial to business owners on many different levels. Without these the owners may never know how many people are interested in what they are selling and they also lack the ability to analyze this data in order to make the proper changes and adjustments. Facebook insights allow you to see how many people have viewed your page, how many shares and reposts, etc. I also think that using these insights for promotional gain such as offering consumers some incentive for sharing your post. This tool will allow you to see just how many people were engaged in this activity and what they did to do so. 
    I enjoyed looking at the "Protein for Pets Vista" page as I had never heard of anything like it before. The page was very well developed and already had followers of its own. I think that I was able to find some helpful tips that I can use for my own page. I also saw a few other business pages that were legit businesses that I am going to dig into and see how I can advance as they did so! 


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