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Week 8 Part A: How to Expand Your Reach on Instagram by Using Hashtags

Hashtags in Various Accounts  


The aesthetic of this account was interesting to me because I enjoyed how simple and consistent each post was. Sometimes it is nice to see a clean feed. Most of the hashtags that are utilize on this account pertain to the nail business in general and are repeated in many different posts. They also utilized the hashtags at the end of the caption in which their were many of them. This account has a wide range of audience as there is a total of 130,000 followers and they range around 3,000 to 8,000 likes on their posts. 


This page is based around selling press on nails, as like my page as well. This business utilizes features such as the story highlights, a website in the bio, and a variety of other tools that instagram has to offer. Although this account does not place a heavy emphasis on the use of hashtags in every post, there are some that are full of hashtags in which they are able to reach multiple outlets. Most of the hashtags are at the end of the captions and deal with the photo that was posted. There didn't seem to be a specific order in which the hashtags were placed they were just all based around the same theme. 


I liked this page because it seemed to be a little different from the other accounts that I chose to look at. There was a pattern of the same nails being used throughout the page and they were all in packaging rather than on peoples hands as I noticed in the others. I also noticed that this account was based out of El Salvador which was interesting to see if they still used instagram in the same aspect. The hashtags that they used were also utilized at the end of the caption and were basic in terms of what was being tagged. This account also did not have as many followers as the other accounts that I chose but they had some of the same features such as using the story highlights and tagging the website in their bio. This allows for consumers to easily access their brand. 


This account also carried a lot fewer followers than some of the other accounts that I chose but I felt that they had a wider variety of posts in regards to what information was being offered. This account has multiple "how to" post which are attention grabbers to the consumers in the need of guidance or whom want to gain the knowledge. This account uses hashtags to the highest degree and ventured outside the box to even make references to being a small business owner. I think that this hashtag is useful because a lot of people are looking to support small businesses and this easily places them in that realm. I think overusing the hashtags can be difficult to read sometimes but I think with a small business it is important to get your name out there. 

I think that each of these accounts utilize hashtags in their own unique way. Although they all end their captions with these, they are unique to their post and their business. I think that I can make hashtags more useful on my account in order to gain a larger audience and reach people that may not just simply come across my post. My goal is to start utilizing hash tags in each post the best way possible. 


  1. I like how you analyzed each of these accounts to see how they utilize hashtags. The way each of these accounts use hashtags is helpful to learn. I think it was interesting that all of the accounts put their hashtags in their caption. Seeing what works for these businesses and taking inspiration from them can help us improve our Instagram accounts, so I hope you can learn a lot and can meet your goal of utilizing hashtags in the best way possible!


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