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Week 13 Part A- Online Advertising - Analysis of the Market Place

 Social Media Advertising 

In my experience with social media advertisements, they typically are aiming to promote something specific. The advertisements usually place an emphasis on things related to our interest or referenced from our search history due to the way our apps intertwine with another. This often occurs when we have a conversation with someone around us and then scroll through our feed on instagram and see a promotional ad for exactly what we were talking about. Most of believe that this is the government listening to us but this is the best way for businesses to make their most effective marketing promotion. 

When promotional ads are presented they typically do take advantage of the imagery, making it appealing to the eye and attracting consumers to their products. I think that this is one of the most important factors when promoting on social media platforms due to the fact that consumers are typically looking for things that catch their eye. I think another technique is to make an emphasis with the size of the font. A lot of the ads will be emphasizing some sort of discount which will likely be larger than the other lettering. 

I believe that in current times, social media advertising has become more beneficial and successful due to the fact that our modern society is more reliant on this method. We are increasingly moving away from things such as magazines, newspapers, etc. because of how prevalent technology has become in our every day lives. Having a history of working in retail, we quickly took advantage of the technological aspect of providing promotions on social media rather than trying to promote on paper or television. This seemed to engage more consumers and have a stronger outcome. 


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